
Vol. 23, No.5

Editor's Note

     Arguably the most thought provoking issue we have published to date, Volume 23 Number 5, otherwise known as issue 138, includes "Autumnal Tales." If this one fails to raise a shiver or two you need to see a physician very soon.
     Also in the new Springhouse is a new feature titled "My Five Books." Springhouse has asked several contributors to list five books important in their lives. Readers are invited to send their lists for upcoming issues. It is hoped this feature proves popular.
     Brian DeNeal writes about spirit hunting in Saline County. (Apparently there is a difference between ghosts and spirits, according to the experts.)
     DeNeal also has an article about Cave Hill, Saline County's most famous cave. Now closed to the public for a time, this cavity in Mother Earth has long been a draw to genuine cave explorers as well those more intent on drinking beer and covering the walls with graffiti than in genuine exploration. Sad to say, people began robbing this natural treasure long before the Civil War. Damaged, defanged, and anything but pristine, the cave in Cave Hill remains a wonder.
     William Searles shares with us his findings concerning the former bed of the broad Ohio.
     If Dixie Terry's recipes are as delicious in real life as they appear in print, the people who delight in cooking rare treats should be pleased.
     The Rebel Without Applause delivers a rant about the impossibility of telling the truth, especially when one is sincere.
     We believe this issue ventures into new territory while holding to our the tradition of sharing with our readers the stories of a region and doing it with flair.
     If this one is not seen by others as being a continuation of the Adventure, now nearly a quarter century in its unfolding, the editor's surprise will be so vast he will immediately plunge into a despondency of self-analysis, and who wants that?
     Really, though, Volume 23 Number 5 is worth reading. Do yourself a favor and read it.

Gary DeNeal

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This page last updated Friday, May 08, 2009 10:37 AM.